Our mission is to provide Biblically-based, Reformed teaching and training worldwide primarily for indigenous pastors to help equip them for ministry.

Equipping today’s leaders to train tomorrow’s pastors



In the fall of 2017 Will Hesterberg and Norris Lessley flew to Cochabamba, Bolivia to teach Romans ands Old Testament Introduction and Survey and to determine if Bolivia might become ITEM’s fist field in South America. They found a vibrant group of about 50 students, both men and women leaders, and a young denomination beginning to develop out of persecution for their taking a stand for the Biblical Reformed faith. 

They have developed the Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) in Cochabamba to train pastors, lay leaders, and church planters for a growing church planting movement throughout Bolivia and even into Argentina. Led by Gerson Cruz and a Board of Governors, SRL has an excellent new facility with student and instructor dorms, classrooms, and other accommodations. ITEM is excited to join with them in establishing the Reformed faith in South America.

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